Damon Gameau: That Sugar Film (2014)

What you eat and drink is what you are, and what you become. In the broader tradition of diet/food/health awareness documentaries like Morgan Spurlock’s ‘Super Size Me‘ (2004,) Australian actor-director Damon Gameau, in ‘That Sugar Film‘ (2014,) inflicts a food and drink experiment on himself – of consuming the Australian ‘average’ of about 40 teaspoons of sugar a day for two months. What unfolds is a quirky, and at times, humourous look at the far reaching damage caused by the hidden sugars in our everyday, supposedly ‘healthy’ store brought food and drink. The film also provides insights into how global advertising, food packaging, and policies attack some of the most vulnerable communities – the rural poor, with irreversible health and well-being implications, for generations. The sugar industry, the processed food industry, and the ‘food giants’ and their lobbyists very often cloak facts and mislead the sugar consuming public. The message of the film I agree with, though I have some reservations about it’s style and treatment. Watch.

Сахар Фильм 2016 (That Sugar Film)


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