Michel Foucault: Self and Subjectivity (Lecture). 1983

The work of late French historian and philosopher Michel Foucault wields a wide and considerable influence on structuralist and post structuralist thought across a broad range of disciplines in philosophy, humanities and social sciences, to this day. I was quite excited to hear Foucault’s voice in this, articulating his thoughts as only he can. The ultra heavy French accent takes a while to listen in to, but once you do, the ride is great. He examines Western culture’s conceptual development of individual subjectivity. Recorded at the University of California, Berkeley, April 1983. (Note: There are some distortions in the audio once a while (sound sped up), but the ‘rough patches’ get over quickly.)

Michel Foucault - The Culture of the Self, First Lecture, Part 1 of 7

Part 1

Michel Foucault - The Culture of the Self, First Lecture, Part 2 of 7

Part 2

Michel Foucault - The Culture of the Self, First Lecture, Part 3 of 7

Part 3

Michel Foucault - The Culture of the Self, First Lecture, Part 4 of 7

Part 4

Michel Foucault - The Culture of the Self, First Lecture, Part 5 of 7

Part 5

Michel Foucault - The Culture of the Self, First Lecture, Part 6 of 7

Part 6

Michel Foucault - The Culture of the Self, First Lecture, Part 7 of 7

Part 7

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10 years ago

What a nice treat. Thanks for posting these.
As a former student of Foucault and a participant at all these lectures plus the seminars held on the side during that year in Berkeley, it was a delight to see them again though it clearly dates me. He was a delight to study with, an excellent and considerate teacher, and in my humble opinion, one of the greatest philosophers of the postwar period.

Daniel J
Daniel J
12 years ago

We will probably not have another Foucault walking this planet again …RIP.

12 years ago

Voice of God? haha

12 years ago

masterclass from the master, nuff said

12 years ago

Foucault is not from this planet.

Gunjan S
Gunjan S
12 years ago

To my beginners understanding, Foucault says that knowledge and power rely on one another. I see how this works in things like psychiatry fits into this idea, but i don’t see how forms of knowledge like physics or literature are created in this fashion..or am I being too dumb?

G Rusedski
G Rusedski
12 years ago

Probably the most important mind of the last century.

12 years ago

Takes a looong time to sit through this! Came away a lil bit wiser, whatever I cud grasp.

12 years ago

This guy is an encyclopedia, also, how many languages does he know..? He was pretty good at Greek also I heard. His deep interest in Greek philosophy may be a reason.

Nagesh T
Nagesh T
12 years ago

Does Foucault ultimately think that we can become at least partially free from the modern type of power? How would that be achieved? Anyone?


12 years ago

Five stars. its a priviledge to hear Foucault.

Hector P
Hector P
12 years ago

I’m currently working on a paper addressing the use of language-based theories and have found a few studies inspired by some of Foucault’s theories. As he is a structuralist, do you all think I could consider his work language-based? Or should one stick to more straight-forward people such as Saussure and Levi-Strauss?.

Thank you.

G Herno
G Herno
12 years ago

This is a treasure. So very hard to source Foucault in his own words in ENGLISH. Thank you.

12 years ago

got a essay question on juvenile delinquency being a social problem in the 19th century, I need to wright a paragraph or so on Foucault, but i am having trouble with how to relate his work to his. can anyone help?

Graham Kvendt
Graham Kvendt
12 years ago

Foucault is truly the Einstein of the social sciences and humanities. Staggering.

12 years ago

HMV – His Masters Voice. finally I get to hear Foucault :]

12 years ago

Are Foucault books in India translated into Indian languages as well. I do believe you have quite a lot of recognized languages.

12 years ago

In ‘The Order of Things’, Michel Foucault discusses the notion of episteme and the notion of discourse which seem pretty much like the same thing to me. Can someone please help to clarify exactly what the difference between episteme and discourse is??
Thanks in advance.