PhD scholarship in Cultural Communication: University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 2013

The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, invites applications for a three-year scholarship from candidates who hold a Master degree in a field relevant to the study of information. The successful applicant may either be employed in RSLIS’s division in Aalborg or Copenhagen.

The main objective of the project of this scholarship shall be to explore digitization of modern society and/or humanistic and cultural studies. RSLIS particularly encourages project proposals which also have the potential of contributing to the general objectives stated above. The basis for this scholarship shall be in one or more of the following areas:

Digital humanities
Cultural heritage
Digital youth (youth culture as transformed by digital media, social media, and information technology in general)

The application should include a proposal outlining the overall aims and methodology of the PhD project as well as a time-plan.

For further information please contact PhD coordinator Hans Dam Christensen / jbg621 (at)

Application deadline: September 15, 2013.

Further information.

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