Mark Khaisman: The Banality of Packing Tape

Of Ukrainian origin, but now working out of Philadelphia, USA, visual artist Mark Khaisman produces work of some intrigue and interest by using an unusual material, that is not only everyday and pedestrian but is industrially produced for disposable, single usage. No, it is not rubber. Trained as an architect at the Moscow Architectural Institute, Moscow, Russia, Khaisman marries his considerable experience in architectural practice with the rather ancient and venerated stained glass practice. Like the stained glass practitioners of yore, Khaisman literally ‘sculpts’ light by using layers of translucent packing (duct) tape to control the passage of light through it, creating effective illusions in various shades of pale, dark, medium browns of adhesive packing tape. The subject matter of his back lit illusions is harvested from popular, fleeting, yet iconic representations, ‘As-Seen-On-Movies’, and the rectangular form of packing tape itself, creates a curious mix of an illusion of analogous broad brush strokes, and digital pixellaton. Novelty, in a way is originality, and with his ‘love it-hate it’ reinvention of ‘high’ stained glass practice with the usage of ‘low’ disposable, pedestrian material, Khaisman makes a telling comment on the nature of the iconic, the superficial, disposable. Take a look.



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