Ben Webster and Joe Zawinul: Soulmates. 1963
1963 | Ben Webster: Tenor Saxophone | Joe Zawinul: Piano | Thad Jones: Cornet | Sam Jones: Bass | Philly Joe Jones: Drums |
1963 | Ben Webster: Tenor Saxophone | Joe Zawinul: Piano | Thad Jones: Cornet | Sam Jones: Bass | Philly Joe Jones: Drums |
Aditi Tayadei really like your blog – good interesting stuff as always !
Eva Gagan PratapHi Milindo, hope you are inspiring many more around you…wherever you are!
Shaan MemonI was just looking at your website… amazing it is… full of knowledge as always..
Vatsala TyagiPhoto gallery: what a visual delight! Absolutely brilliant…thanks for sharing…love seeing your photography.
Uttara DekaPhoto gallery: Your pictures are absolutely mind blowing. You are indeed a gifted photographer.
Ananya RoyPhoto gallery: What a treat :) thank you!
Jaydeep MukherjeePhoto Gallery: Your eyes see things that we cannot. Bravo……. …..I just love the way you look through your lens and weave stories. Brilliant. ..You are a genius. Each of your photos tell a complete story. And, these are also the proof of your amazing visualization.
Aeshna RoyWe need more teachers like you :)
Anumeha SuccenaYou’re a role model sir, such awesomeness !!! :D
Nandini BiswasPhoto gallery: Outstanding Milindo. All your pictures are unique and it’s a delight to see them over and over again. I must add, you are a bundle of talent, music, photography, literature, compassion and the list is enormous.
Mithun RodwittiyaPhoto gallery: Fabulous body of work Milindo. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Ambar DasStill a fan of your unique and sweet finger strum on acoustic guitar. It made an ordinary guitar sound great. Would just love to see and hear one of those too.
Kunal Maithani#NowFollowing @Milindo_Taid One of the most influential n interesting mentor from my design school. Always loaded. :)
Tridip K MandalPhoto gallery: Each and every photograph is stunning !
Priya SenPhoto gallery: really lovely!
Vaani AroraYou’ll love this site by the awesome Milindo Taid
Marianna PaulsonYour website is full of delightful posts. I’m going to have to watch where my time goes when I’m visiting! :)
Sharon SmithLove your site Milindo. I was excited to see you displaying my husband’s watermelon carvings
Former studentHappy teachers day! Out of all, your teachings n your way of being have really made a big positive impact on me.
Gayatri PatilPhoto gallery: Those are awesome :)
Prosenjit GangulyPhoto gallery: What an absolute treat! Amazing colours, Delicious moments,Fantastic Stories! All thumbs up
MadhuwantiOldest operating bookstore in the world! From a blog of a reputed and beloved design faculty @Milindo_Taid :)
Upasana NattojiWith all the magical places you are checking off your bucket list! I want to know how to be you :)
Samvartha 'Sahil'You are inimitable!
Akshay GhildiyalMilind never told u but u were my first true inspiration….I almost learnt the guitar watching u play…..thanx for being there
Upasana NattojiPhoto gallery: Wow! I’m a fan
Joydeep PhukanPhoto gallery: Amazing photographs each one telling a story. You are blessed on telling stories through your pictures Milindo.
Mahua SenThis is by far amongst the best curated creative content sites out there and the eye and vision of one man, when good, works better than any funded team. Inspired enormously once again :)
Anjali Vasa Shethlove ur pics…they are like those moments which u capture in your mind and wished u had a camera right at that moment to capture it…but u actually do capture them :) beautiful…!!!
Alejandro PisantyI discover TL of a writer and respected intellectual, with a tolerant, global conscience: @GhoshAmitav – tx @Milindo_Taid
Showbhit ChahalIts really good to see you Milindo, with such awesome stuff from you as usual.. loved your blog as well!
Vatsala TyagiGrt milindo. eachtime want to check out something good on net…know where to go now!
Shweta MohapatraAbsolutely amazing blog – a chest full of treasure.
Jasdeep PannuPhoto gallery: Gorgeous
Candace Davenport Van HoutPhoto gallery: You have captured so many beautiful moments in time. You seem to be at the right place, the right time and with incurable passion.
Praveen SinghGuitar in your hand reminds me of the MCRC days! You are terrific… :)
Pushan ChakravartyPhoto gallery: Love your colourful decisive moments, very inspiring!
Tanya Bhandarigreat blog :)
Lekha Washingtonhope you’re changing the world as always :)
Paresh ChoudhuryPhoto gallery: Great Works Milindo !
Varsha RavindranathNever thought I’d say this, but it was the most interesting classes I’ve sat in.. and of course, the day you played Sultans of Swing for us. Hope you continue to influence the next generations with your dynamic yet simple teachings.
Nityanshu SharmaThis is great… fact the entire website is a wonderful treasure. thanks sir!
Stephen BanksUtterly Brilliant! I just thought you should know that you have engaged another human with your work here, and for that I thank you!
George JosephYour courses were always the best. By the way, just went through a bit of your website. It’s great! Some good stuff in there that I wouldn’t normally chance upon
Abhishek SahuPhoto gallery: wow Milindo .. awesome photographs .. loved the colors in each and every one.
Alyen Leeachum FoningPhoto gallery: wow!!! they are gorgeous!!
Jaya KanwarPhoto Gallery: Your photos are so inspiring
Former StudentYou have inspired so many. :)
Junuka Deshpandeveryveryinterestingwebsite.have been visiting! thankyou!
Azmin SopariwalaOMG its like a painting!! you have taken photography to another level!!!
Ronen GoldmanSo glad you enjoyed my photos, really honored to be featured on your blog. thank you sir!
Gerard Rutteman aka Drager MeurtantJust detected your blog: impressive. wishing you continued inspiration and health.
Gayatri KapoorPhoto Gallery: Very nicely captured Milind.
Vaani AroraMilindo Taid – ace teacher, rockstar guide to my projects at film school, guitarist and photographer too. Really good human being as well
Former studentYou are the only faculty member I could connect to!
Vaishali Thakkar MendirattaYou are awesome :)
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