Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Ireland: Fiosraigh PhD Scholarships 2015

The Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) Fiosraigh Dean of Graduate Research School Award recognizes the outstanding achievement by individual students and is open to talented students who wish to pursue a PhD on a full time basis. Applications are invited from students of any higher education institution, in Ireland or internationally.

The Irish word ‘Fiosraigh’, which means to explore or inquire, underlines the purpose of this scholarship programme which is to promote the exploration and application of knowledge.

Applicants should develop their research in liaison with the potential supervisor/supervisory team in one of the following research thematic areas:

Society, Culture and Enterprise
New Materials and Devices
Information, Communications and Media Technologies
Environment, Energy and Health 

Awards will be made on the basis of a defined proposal for the work with specified outputs. All applications to undertake graduate research must be submitted using the Dublin Institute of Technology official Fiosraigh Dean of Graduate Research School Application Form (.docx file) and must have the support of a potential supervisor.

Application deadline: The completed Application Form should be sent as a PDF file to fiosraigh (at) dit.ie by 12 noon (GMT), 16th November 2015.

Click or tap here (.pdf file) for further information.


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